Come back soon to find out how you can support Liam's Heart, Inc. everytime you make an purchase.
* Amazon Smile donates .5% of all eligible purchases to your favorite charity
Raise Awareness
Check back here in 2022 to find out more about our 1st Annual Liam's Heart Walk and how you can help build awareness to William's Syndrome.
Grant Opportunities
In January 2022, we will be releasing an RFP eligible to hospitals with William Syndrome clinics. Grants will be made to programs looking to expand their music therapy efforts.
If your hospital or program is interested in learning more, please contact us here.
Local high students pursuing college degrees for music, child life, or music education will be offered scholarships beginning this graduating year, June 2022.
If you know of a high school senior who qualifies, please contact us here.
Supporting Families in Need
Families with children living with Williams Syndrome and other Congenital Heart Defects are eligible for additional support. We will be working to send children with WS to a special summer camp, funding Make-a-Wish, and cheer around the holidays.